Psychotherapy sessions
This person-centered therapy session facilitated by Carl Rogers can give you an outline of this approach. Rogers shows a genuine interest in the client, without trying to steer her in a specific direction or to push her to open up faster than her own rhythm. The interaction is engulfed in an sort of acceptance in which the client feels safe enough to be vulnerable and to bring to surface sensitive contents.
The Oscar awarded film named “Journey into self” depicts an encounter group facilitated by Carl Rogers and Richard Farson in the 60’s. It might give you an idea about encounter groups,
”Group” is a 2 season series about a group therapy based on Irvin Yalom’s book, “The Schopenhauer Cure”. This approach is based on the idea that if the group members are left to freely direct the discussion, they will replicate the way they act in interpersonal relations in their everyday life.
Educational films
A short introduction to the main ideas of the book “Radical Honesty” written by Brad Blanton.